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Power the Change You Need

Since 1911, we have worked to strengthen and advance Delaware's nurses. Advocacy and community, supported by members, provides a unified and impactful nursing workforce. We represent Delaware nurses regardless of nursing specialty or practice setting.

By joining DNA, you support and strengthen nursing throughout Delaware.

Together, we make a difference!

     Frequently Asked Questions about Membership in DNA

Do I Have to Live in Delaware to Join DNA?


  • LPNs, RNs and APRNs that work in Delaware but live in a neighboring state (NJ, PA, MD, etc.) may join the Delaware Nurses Association. Please see options to join above.
Do I have to have an active Delaware nursing license to join DNA?


  • Retired/Inactive Nurses: If you once held an active nursing license and it has since lapsed or not been renewed for any reason other than Board of Nursing discipline, you can sign up for DNA membership!
  • Nurses with Multi-State/Compact License: If you live in a Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC) state ( but work in Delaware, you are able to join DNA! See join options above.
  • Nursing Students: If you are a pre-licensure nursing student, we do not currently have a membership category for this role. We encourage you to stay connected with DNA by following our social media channels, subscribing to free emails (website homepage), and attending our twice annual Membership Assembly as an observer.
  • Also, nursing students should consider signing up as a Student Subscriber with the American Nurses Association (!
  • Can I join DNA if I am already a member of another state nurses association?


  • Current members of a state nurses association (i.e., New Jersey State Nurses Association, Pennsylvania State Nurses Association, Maryland Nurses Association, etc.) and the American Nurses Association (ANA) may add membership in DNA.
  • If you are already a member of a state nurses association and ANA, it will cost $7.90/month or $91.50/year to join DNA, in addition to your current membership dues. You can add DNA to your current membership by contacting ANA's Membership Billing Department at (800) 284-2378 or e-mail them at
  • This is also true, conversely. Members of DNA & ANA can elect to join a second state nurses association in the ANA network. Pricing varies. Contact ANA's Membership Billing Department at (800) 284-2378 or e-mail them at
  • Alternatively, if you are an existing member of state nurses association and ANA, you may elect to transfer your state membership to DNA. DNA & ANA members pay $15.75/month or $183/year. You can transfer your state nurses association membership to DNA by contacting ANA's Membership Billing Department at (800) 284-2378 or e-mail them at
  • Do I have to be an RN to join DNA?


    • DNA is the oldest, largest, and most inclusive association for all licensed nurses living and/or working in Delaware! We have membership for LPNs, RNs, and APRNs.
    • *LPNs join the DNA only. RNs & APRNs join both DNA and the American Nurses Association.

    Website Sponsor

    Thank you, ChristianaCare, for your support of DNA and Delaware Nursing. Click here to learn more about nursing at ChristianaCare.

    Delaware Nurses Association 

    DNA is a constituent member of  
    4765 Ogletown Stanton Road, Suite L10 | Newark, DE 19713

    Phone: (302) 733-5880 Organizational Affiliates

       Delaware Emergency Nurses Association

       - Delaware State Affiliate - American College of Nurse-Midwives

       - Delaware Coalition of Nurse Practitioners

       - Delaware Association of Nurse Anesthetists

       - Black Nurses Rock Delaware Chapter, Inc.


    © 2024 Delaware Nurses Association. All Rights Reserved.

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